For example this particular pin included the picture above. The pin claimed a link to Free Children's Bathroom Printables which you can frame and hang in a bathroom of a child. The brush your teeth printable is fine and reasonable for a bathroom, the birds make sense too. However, I see the "Love is Spoken Here" printable and my mind instantly thinks bathroom humor: That printable says to me, "Love is spoken in bathroom music" (i.e. farts and flushes).
This is my own sick mind speaking, but I really wanted to comment on this woman's pin. However, trolling on Pinterest in non-existent. Here is another pin:
Who wouldn’t want to sleep under this?...Anyone that watches Doctor Who. |
I originally saw this on meta picture, then an hour later on Pinterest. If you watch Doctor Who, you too will experience the horror I felt when I first saw this. For those of you who haven't seen this episode: SPOILERS! A space suit is brain washing a child to kill the Doctor. Without the context of that particular Doctor Who episode that is a very cool bed set.
I also pin stuff like this:
I have been flagged for that one eight times.
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